A Thank you note from Canada


A twenty-year journey on the path of peace surprisingly led to Busan and the United Nations Memorial Cemetery on June 24th. This was a journey much like a solemn mission that took root in Port Moody British Columbia where I live.
Our West Coast is home to many Veterans of the Korean War and many of these brave men and women I’ve gotten to know, and all of them I admire.
This friendship and admiration set me on my trek to Busan where myself and a long-time friend, Mr. Sonny Son, visited the Busan cemetery and paid tribute to our Korean War heroes who fought and died and forever lay in the soil of Korea.
Sometimes when someone is so fixated on something, the reality of that thing turns out to be less than what was expected or imagined. Amazingly this was not to happen. When I arrived in Korea, things gradually developed within me as I looked and listened to everything I saw and heard. Along every kilometer and through every city and town and memorial and souvenir booth and restaurant, and with all those people going about their daily work, I was stunned by having my dream become reality. What did I see and experience; it was kindness, honesty, respect and clean modern city’s mixed with old heritage and culture and tradition.
So, I thought I would write to express my gratitude to the people of Korea, to those who tend to the grass and gardens at the United Nations Memorial Cemetery, and to everyone I met and those who helped me find my way when I was lost. Perhaps I was actually lost during the past twenty years and finally found a magical place that I had unknowingly been looking for.
Thank you Korea, said with sincere and heartfelt thanks,
One day soon I hope to return,

Guy Black
Recipient, Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation and the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers.